Adrian Mittler & Kylei Mittler

Kylei Mittler (age 15) interviews her Grandpa (age 92). They have a heartfelt conversation about the love of family and work. Adrian Mittler is a program chairman of his Senior Association and on the board for the Civic Association.

La historia de una niña puertorriqueña: Marilyn Vélez.

Cada persona que emigra aquí desde otro lugar tiene una historia que contar. Marilyn Vélez vino a Estados Unidos con su familia para tener una vida mejor. Escuche cómo llego a Estados Unidos y las dificultades que tuvo que enfrontar...

Aviva Berke and her Aunt Jen talk about growing up in Rochester, NY and moving to Canada.

In this interview, conducted on November 24th, 2018 in Rochester, New York, Aviva Berke (16) interviews her aunt Jennifer Dockstator (57) about their childhood in Rochester and moving to Canada when she grew up. Jennifer shares stories from her family...

Grandma’s achievements and wisdom

We discussed my grandmothers top greatest achievements in life. She talked about the person who influenced her the most in life which is her mother. Finally, she gave a piece of advice to hold onto forever.

La historia de R.G

En esta entrevista, mi tío y yo hablamos sobre su experiencia como inmigrante. También como llego a los Estados Unidos y como fue su experiencia en los Estados Unidos.

As Humans, Adapting is What We Do Best

This interview took place in Bayside, New York, on December 1st, 2019. In it, Ami Farrell asks her mother, Setsu Sakaguchi, about the challenges she has faced in life and what she has learned from them. As an immigrant from...

la historia de migrar a los Estatutos Unidos de Karina Rivera

la persona que estoy entrevistando es mi mamá Karina Rivera tiene 44 años es de las ciudad de México. Como inmigró y como adaptó ya estando en los Estados Unidos. Y su reflexión de todo su vida 

La historia de Ahmed Rodríguez, un refugiado cubano que vive su sueño americano.

Esta es la historia de mi amigo de once años Ahmed Rodríguez. Ahmed nos cuenta sobre su cultura y todas dificultades que vivió en Cuba. Finalmente llega a los Estados Unidos como refugiado después de años y varios intentos fallidos...

Aunt Elaine, star of stage and screen

Great Aunt Elaine was the daughter of Jewish immigrants, and she performed professionally in radio, theater, and TV.

Take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you, and treasure every moment you have

In this interview conducted on December 1st 2019 in flushing queens, Lucas Moore interviews his father Robert Moore on his childhood. He explains his hardships that he faced in a poor family, and the things he never was able to...

La Historia de Marcelo

Una entrevista entre Luna y Marcelo, una estudiante universitaria y un inmigrante argentino. El Marce, mi padre, tiene 66 años y ha vivido en los Estados Unidos desde 1977. Hablamos de las problemas económicos y políticos en Argentina, las políticas...

A Message to Teens Growing Up Today.

Patricia Williams talks about her life at school, and at home. She gives advice to teens and shares her real life experiences which can help others.

Interviewing My Friend's Dad

Nicholas Jakoulov is an immigrant from Russia who came to America for adventure and ended up staying.

Learning More About My Family

In this interview, I talked to my aunt, Yiting Zhu, about the experiences in the past as well as what who she is as an individual. She talks about how her school life was like and the things she has...

Entrevista a Alfredo Olvera

Andrean Olvera (21) entrevista a su padre, Alfredo Olvera (52). La historia de mi padre un inmigrante de su origen, su proceso de inmigración llegando a su adaptación en los Estados Unidos. Su experiencia que ha pasado y como a...

My Mom and I talk about her childhood and parenthood

My mom and I discussed her childhood and her experiences raising me and my sister. She also went in detail about dealing with her illness while bringing up children.

Connie Bebout and Caitlin Faulds

Connie Bebout (64) talks with her daughter Caitlin Faulds (25) about growing up in Missouri, leaving to begin a career with the Forest Service and now living through coronavirus. Recorded: 2020-04-26 17:34:08

The Path to Somewhere

In this interview I talked to my sister about the path she has taken to end up where she is. She explains her current job, how she came about it, and gives advice to people who are in a similar...

Some Words From My Mother
November 24, 2017 App Interview

She was a good sport about the interview even though she doesn't like having to answer on the spot. I spent most of my interview asking her about her childhood and memories in general.

Growing up back in the day

Hello everyone, this interview is about growing up back in the day. My participants name is Vinny Mauro and he is 60 years old. This interview goes over Vinny‘s childhood and advice for the future generations.

Interviewing My Dad

In this interview, I ask my dad questions about his life in the past, present, and future.