The War Years

I interviewed Nani about the War Years, she talks about her birth in India as well as a few beautiful traveling stories. She touches on her faith and love for the coincidences which make us whole.

Questions for my Mom

Asking my mom about her memories. Asking her what she’s thankful for.

Lake Family Capsule #1

Capturing our road trip to our wedding weekend and diving into how our relationship started and where we see it headed.

Julia Lasley- Interview of Granpa, John Lasley

John Lasley (73 years old) born in 1945, being interviewed by Julia Lasley (16 years old) born in 2002. Speaks about the importance of family and pride.

Alexis interviewing Peggy

42-year-old Alexis Moran interviews 73–year-old mother Peggy Bowie about her life

“Follow your dreams and don’t allow anyone or anything sway you from them”

My mom has been a huge factor of who I am as a person. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. I know raising children isn't easy but I am grateful she was there for me when I...

Alexandra Piedra Interview

I talked to my sister, Alex, about some stories from her life I hadnt known about.

Evan Schafranek and Irene Kwartiroff

In this interview, Evan Schafranek (14) talks with his Grandmother about life from when she grew up in Argentina to her life now.