“Si yo pudiera retroceder el tiempo, lo haría.” (If I could go back in time, I would.)

I interviewed my mother about her growing up as a child in poverty and how that impacted her today. She also talked about the value of family and how you shouldn’t take them for granted, like she told me “Tu...

Gabriela Cruz & Lidia Roman

Gabriela y Lidia hablan sobre los servicios que se ofrecen en St Jude Neighborhood Health Center en la ciudad de Orange, CA. Los servicios están dirigidos a pacientes de bajos ingresos, sin seguro de salud e independientemente del estado de...

Karla Durán Palazuelos and Iohann Rashi Vega

Karla Durán Palazuelos (37) y su amigo Iohann Rashi Vega (37) conversan acerca de las creencias de Karla, sus experiencias como voluntaria, y sobre su tienda de mercado justo. [Karla Durán Palazuelos (37) and her friend Iohann Rashi Vega (37)...

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Anonymous 16

Anonymous Interviewee #16 talks about growing up in Mexico and having family in the United States. He speaks about his life in Mexico and what he is most proud of.

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Anonymous 15

Anonymous #15 tells us of what it is to have grown up on the border of Mexico and California, crossing over up to 4 times a week, and to have family in the United States that are impossible to see.

Felipe Tapia and Cody Mains-Tapia

Felipe Tapia (36) habla con su esposa, Cody Mains-Tapia (28) sobre México, su vida en Los Estados Unidos y su esposa. Felipe Tapia (36) talks with his wife, Cody Mains-Tapia (28) about Mexico, His life in the United States and...

La historia de Ahmed Rodríguez, un refugiado cubano que vive su sueño americano.

Esta es la historia de mi amigo de once años Ahmed Rodríguez. Ahmed nos cuenta sobre su cultura y todas dificultades que vivió en Cuba. Finalmente llega a los Estados Unidos como refugiado después de años y varios intentos fallidos...

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Gabby Cruz

Gabby tells us about how she was born and raised in Guapamacataro, Maravatio, Michoacan, Mexico, and how she is caretaker with her husband and daughter at the Center for Arts and Ecology. Gabby is also an organic strawberry farmer and...

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Alicia Marván, Director of Guapamacataro Center for Arts and Ecology

Alicia talks about the importance of the Guapamacataro Arts and Ecology center as a place for artist residents and as a way to give back to the Maravatio community. Alicia is both a citizen of Mexico and the United States...