The Most Beautiful Moment(s) in Life: Interview with Kristine Canonizado

(I'd like to also mention, my grandma has not returned even though she promised me that she would, so this is my mom speaking on her behalf as well, please tell me this counts; this is why this conversation is...

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...

My Mom and Her Life

Here Nico, 16 years old, interviews. This is about my mom (51) and her life before and during covid. She first talks about her growing up and life lessons she’s learned. Then she talked about her life in the military...

Jack Freeman Interview

My grandpa talks about his childhood and his past, especially his baseball career

Interview with Melanie Escobar & Grandma Maria Eulogia Urbina

I was joined by my mom to interview my grandma. We talked about her childhood and he favorite memories of her children and life overall.