Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps Veteran that served during WWII.

Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps veteran of WWII who shares his experiences and how the war has impacted him and our country. He has had some difficult and hard times, but no matter what he loves our country.

Through War and Peace- Primary Source Of Hungary’s most turbulent years

“It is a lovely thing to live with courage and to die leaving behind an everlasting renown.”- Alexander the Great. This is precisely what every Hungarian man, woman, and child thought at 4:00 on October 23, 1956 when the Soviets...

Mom’s interview

This is an interview with my mom, where I ask her about views on USSR, about her parents, childhood, where she works and what she studied, and immigration.

Interview With My Dad About Ukraine During USSR

I spoke with my dad about his life growing up in ussr

LHP project USSR

LHP Project where I interview my mother about her experience immigrating to America.