Practice interview

When I interviewed judah I asked what he’s favorite hobbies were, what is he’s favorite holiday, and what do he do in he’s down time.


This was about what he likes and how he is as a person.

New York to Old York: Interview with a ‘69er

This is an interview by 20 year old Darlene Johnson with her 51 year old dad, Kevin Taylor, about what life was like back then from a media and technological standpoint.

Empathy interview with mom

Talked about how video games affect young minds

Video Games And Violence

Bryce talks about how video games affected his childhood

Todd Bennett and Skylar Cohen

Todd Bennett (44) and his caretaker, Skylar Cohen (27), share a conversation about Todd's adoptive family, his experience living with spina bifida, his perspective on love and loss, and the life lessons that he has learned along the way.

Toby Kroll interviews his sister, Luca

Toby (16) interviews his sister Luca (16), he asks both some personal questions and some lighthearted questions, but either way, Luca was a great sport for letting him do this. In the interview, they talk about childhood, video games, etc....

Narrative of Bilal

Bilal is 17 at the time of this interview. He moved from Oman the United States a year and a half before this recording, and he shared many personal experiences from all facets of his life.

The State of Video Games

I asked my friend Tyler Clancy, who has an associates degree in Game Design, about the state of video games today and some of his personal favorites.

Do You Think Playing Violent Video Games Makes People More Violent in Real Life?

I spoke with my friend Nigel Andrews briefly on whether or not today’s video games are promoting violence

The Neutral Interview

So, with this interview, I let my brother express himself about his childhood for the first few questions. With that, he describes how exactly he lived in Honduras and also, how his parents were like too. Between that, he also...

Video game violence
September 17, 2018 App Interview

Zack Ridgley interviewed by Cody Boone

Do Video Games Encourage Child Violence?

This interview was on my girlfriend Grace’s opinion on violent video games and the effect on children.

Thanksgiving & more

In this interview, I and my friend talk about Thanksgiving, video games, and what our life was like before we started going to college.

Preston and Efrain’s E3 adventure

Preston and Efrain reflect on the impact of video games in their lives and the spontaneity of E3

Interview for class

We talked about family ranging from family to video games.