Glimpse Into Grandpa’s Life

We discussed my grandpa’s life from his childhood up until present day.

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...

Grandy’s Interview

Conversation with my grandmother. About her family and her life in Hollywood and Los Angeles

Marriage is a Right

Have you ever wanted to hear what a gay man wants to change in gay rights? I am Julia Grane and I am 15 years old and I interviewed my Uncle Brett over the phone about him being gay and...

Interviewing my Hispanic mother, Luz.

I interviewed my Hispanic mother. I asked her insightful questions which range from discussing her immigration status to her religious beliefs.

Kevie's Life

This is an interview about my grandfather's life. This interview includes what he likes to do which is coaching basketball and being a photographer and how that lifestyle has effected him, and why he enjoys doing it.

Jesuit public speaking interview fall 2017 Chris Morel

I, Chris Morel, (17) interview with my mother, Amy Morel, (51) about her life. She also talks about her childhood and being raised by a single mother for much of that time. She goes into her relationship with my father,...