Interview #1 – Laura Richwood Waldorf Journey started in 2007

After her 14-year journey the heartfelt story of how Laura Richwood found the school of her dreams for her daughter. She describes Waldorf Education as teaching students how to be human beings and find their purpose in life.

Marianne Gray discusses growing up, life experiences, and her experience as a Waldorf Teacher with her former student, Aria Nelli.

Marianne Gray (61) and Aria Nelli (16) discuss Marianne's career as a Waldorf Teacher and stories about her life. Marianne's says "through doing good in the moment and by doing my best in each moment and forgiving myself and picking...

Pioneer Parent Amy Reuben

We met outdoors for our interview because our school is bursting at the seams! Amy shared her experiences as a founding Waldorf parent and her thoughts on how she meshes her Judaism with Waldorf education.

Stephen Bloomquist, founding teacher of The Waldorf School of Lexington. “We made many mistakes, but we were a dynamic and creative team.”

Stephen Bloomquist speaks about being a founding teacher of the Waldorf School of Lexington--the challenges and the joys, creating the festivals and the spiritual life, along with the organizational structures of the school. He speaks about the shared creative vision...