Founders’ Stories: An Interview between Amelia Wilhelm and Candyce Sweda of the Detroit Waldorf School

An interview between Detroit Waldorf School founder's Candyce Sweda and Amelia Wilhelm about the founding and first days of the Detroit Waldorf School.

Favorite Memories of a Waldorf Drama High School Teacher

Nita Davanzo, Waldorf alum and theater director/teacher interviews Colleen Everhart, retired Drama Teacher at Chicago Waldorf High School while in Playa del Carmen for the AWSNA BOT And Regional Delegates Meeting

“What it Takes to Build a Waldorf School”; an interview with a founding Shining Mountain Waldorf School parent, Robin Temple.
November 15, 2018 App Interview

Robin Temple was one of 6 parents who came together with a vision: to establish a Waldorf School in Boulder, Colorado for their children. Bringing together master Waldorf educators of the time, they launched a school into being, a school...

WSA founder Katie Reily, on the ROOTS of The Waldorf School of Atlanta.

Katie Reily planted the seeds that would grow and blossom into The Waldorf School of Atlanta. What started as an inspired idea and small home classroom, over three decades ago - continues to thrive as the ever-growing Waldorf community in...