Father’s Childhood

My father's childhood are dark but he still working hard.

My mom

I interviewed my mom and asked her about life and what has she done that has led up to this moment

Chandler’s interview with my great- great aunt

In my interview me and my great- great talked about her childhood and how it was different back then to now. We also talked about her different jobs she had down in south and when she moved to Michigan.

A Journey with Maria

Life in Italy was more simple. We share and cherish memories for as long as we live and pass beautiful stories down from generation to generation.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

In this interview I asked my mom about her childhood, and what she has learned in life.

Angela McGhee- Interview of my Grandma by RJ McGhee

Grandmother, Angela Mcghee, talks about her experiences as a mother.

Great Thanksgiving Listen

I am interviewing my grandmother, Mimi, about her life.

My Father

An interview with my loving father!

Aunt Susie ( my grandpa’s sister) talked about the Munger family history.

Kylie McLay and her grandpa's sister Aunt Susie talked about the Munger family history. And, they talked about what child hood was like for a family;that traveled a lot because their dad was in the Coast Quard. Also we talked...

Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...