My Amazing Mom

A looks into a mother’s past and what her life was like, following up to the birth of her children and her life now. A great person who shows nothing but love and care towards the people she loves the...

Postwar Vietnam

My mother, Dana (Binh) Le talks about her experiences growing up in postwar Vietnam and how her mother provided for her family of 9 to get by while my grandfather was put away in reeducation camp, and later escaped from...

My Motha

This is a quick interview of me and my mom talking about her life and some experiences she had had over the years.

Interview with Dad!

Stella Charbonneau (16) interviews David Charbonneau (47) about his job, childhood and experience raising a family.

My Papa Jack

My papa Jack says he is very boring, but to me, I always love learning about about him. He told me about my mom, how he loved school and his jobs.

About Grammy

We talked about Mary Connor, about her and her childhood.