Story Corp video: My brother Derek and I

this is a video of my brother and I going through some story corp questions! we laughed and cried at some of them! Also right at the end I broke a bulb off the christmas tree and said oh sorry...

My Interview with my grandmother

Mainly childhood and thoughts about God.Also if there was any regrets that you had before you died.

What’s the best thing your parents did in raising you?

My mother, Kristan Jacobson, talks about her parents and how they have shaped her into the mom she is today for my brothers and I.


We talked about how her life was a child. Always how she is now with my siblings.

Interview with Grandpa

My grandfather and I talk about his past experiences in life, and how they relate to us now.

My mom

I feel that this interview went well and that I learned a lot I did not know.

An Interview with Mom

We talked about how I was like as a child growing up . Also stories about my childhood

Mother’s Legacy

This interview was more or less me asking my mom about her past, future, and present


The Way A Single Father Has To Be On A Teenage Female

Corps story-Ana’s

We talked about what her favorite memory was of me. We also talked about what advice would you give about raising kids and more.