Managing Life with Chronic illness

Living a life with chronic illness as a wife and mother is a complex situation that requires complex solutions. Building a team is a key component to thriving in a system that's ill-equipped to bring real solutions to the real...

The Wise Words of Doctor Stuerman

This interview is between my grandfather and I. He talks about his childhood experiences and his work as a doctor. He gives multiple good life lessons and his take on the world. He also adds comedy to his meaningful stories...

Stacey Quiriconi’s interview

Today I asked my mother some questions about how she was impacted in her life and how she made an impact on others.

Pyschology Interview with Max Moore

This interview was based on my fathers life, how he managed to deal with his accident, and how he felt about being my father.

Laurie Meininger and Pete Montaño

One Small Step conversation partners Laurie Meininger (65) and Pete Montaño (68), talk about travel, family life, voting rights, gun control and gun ownership and the tension between individual freedom and personal responsibility.

The Neutral Interview

So, with this interview, I let my brother express himself about his childhood for the first few questions. With that, he describes how exactly he lived in Honduras and also, how his parents were like too. Between that, he also...

Getting to know Mrs.GDP

Asking my wife some questions about her life for my daughter to listen to when she gets older.

My dearest Uncle and Aunt

Who had an impact on your life and what is God's calling you to do now