Taye lilly Riepma and her amazing grandmother talk about her past

Tayelilly asks her grandmother, Lilly Ekuan, about growing up in Hawaii during World War Two as a Japanese American, what being a labor nurse is, and what her family life is like.

World War II: the Homefront

This interview was conducted to learn about my grandma’s background in world war 2.

JB and Gunter

Brothers-in-law and best pals Jonathan and Gunter discuss childhood on opposite sides of World War II.

Questions I wanted to ask my Granny on her 93rd Birthday

Today is my Granny's 93rd Birthday. I wanted to ask her some questions about her childhood, service as a nurse in WWII, and her life overall before it is too late to ask.

Living History(Final)

this is an interview with a World War II marine veteran who served in the Pacific theater for two years. being posted on the ship with a large crew.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen 2018

We talked about just his past and memories that truly stuck with him even until now. Discussing his past influences, we were able to connect over the still relevant topics in society today.

Junko Takamatsu’s Story of America with her Granddaughter Lauren Kwong

Junko Takamatsu (age 74) is an Japanese American woman born after WWII. She shares her story of coming from Japan to the America. Her granddaughter, Lauren Kwong (age 16) asks her questions about her life in America.

Mr. Lennon and Cameron talk about Mr. Lennon’s life

Mr. Lennon and Cameron talk about life in the Great Depression and his time in WW2, and Japan. They also talked about his jobs on a farm, Oldsmobile, and war plants. They talked about his memories and his childhood.