Immigrant Interview

This interview was about being able to understand & listen to what Nora had to say in regards to being an immigrant.


Citizenship interview with a past immigrant (my dad).

Final interview

This is a interview with Soheil Younai, my father, based on his immigration to the United States from Iran. We speak about his Jewish identity and hardships moving across the world

Interview with Baba (Dad)

In this interview, I spoke with my dad about his experience with moving to the Unuted States, joining the military, and ultimately, becoming a doctor.

Rosy and Morgan Interview

Rosy and morgan talk about rosy growing up. Rosy nanny, morgan kid.

Perspective of a Vietnamese Immigrant and the Mother of Jennifer To

Michelle Nguyen, my mother, tells me her life as a Vietnamese immigrant, who immigrated to the United States in the 1980s. She tells to me of her experiences with people at that time, and how she feels about me, her...

Immigration in 2001 – a very different time

A successful immigrant story, who realize her dream and stopped at nothing, who had to separate from her own 14 month old child, so she could let us have a better life in the future.

A Different Point of View

An interview about my father’s experiences during the Vietnam War, growing up in Vietnam, and being a first generation immigrant parent fleeing to America for more opportunities. Additionally, he talks about the hardships of being in a foreign county and...