Mimi Facher Drop-in Center Reunion interview part 2 of 2

Mimi talked about how she came to Provincetown in 1973 and found her way to the drop-in center as a 16 year old runaway. Part 2 of a 2-part interview.

Drop in Center reunion May 18 2019 Joel Grossman

Joel talks about why he came to Provincetown the meaning of his work at the drop in center to the rest of his life and what he thinks of the meaning of the times: Provincetown in the 1970s

Grandpa Volz and his involvement in the Vietnam War

The inside story to how an ordinary young man gets drafted into the Vietnam War. He shares his experiences in the Vietnam War along with childhood memories.


We talked about his life but we manly talked about his time in Vietnam and in the army.

Education and Religion in a Southern Grandmother

I interviewed my granny about her childhood and how things such as the Civil Rights Movement and poverty affected her education and childhood to now.

Nothing that I can really tell you…

My uncle grew up in Arlington Virginia and enjoyed his life. when he grew up he became a self employed bricklayer.