Adelina Taylor talks about stories of her life, marriage,and family.

Adelina Grande Taylor talks about her early childhood and her family background. She talks about World War II and her memories of it. She talks about her late husband telling stories about him and how they met. She speaks of...

Memories with Mom

My mom, Scarleth Vargas, recalls her life with her daughter.

Discussing Marriage and Family with My Dad

I interviewed my father and asked him about his marriage with my mom and about what it was like having me as a child.

Armando Jose Villasana Donaire, a Journey from 1939 to Present

In 2016 Armando Villasana Donaire (83) was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. This was shocking news to all his family. During this time, his son Armando Villasana Aguilera (43) commuted every day from Plantation, FL to Doral, FL, and while listening...

Oral History Project

In this interview I talked to my mom and asked her questions about her life.

Tim Millis Sr.

I talked with my Pawpaw on a lot of past experiences and how his childhood life was. We also discussed his careers and family.

An Interview with Pa

An interview with my grandpa who lived a simple and proud life of love, marriage, and family.

Interview with Dole

I interviewed my mother, Dole McCormick. We talked about her childhood in the Philippines, how she ended up in the United States, her parents, and her marriage.

Interview with Mom

Remincing with my mom about her younger days, how she met my dad and her experience raising 3 kids

Tim Millis Sr.

I talked with my grandpa especially on what his life was like as a child. We also discussed his careers and family members too.

Interview with mom

Here I interviewed my mom and we talked about her favorite food and the things she loves most


A dear friend of vickys named Paulino Mercenari goes into depth with his opinion on relationships and herritage.

Interview with Mima

We spoke about her life in Nicaragua and lessons learned

Aishwarya Warrier and Divya Malyala

Best friends Aishwarya Warrier (31) and Divya Malyala (29), who immigrated from India, are celebrating Aishwarya's 10th year as a resident of the US. They look back on their journey of new experiences and look forward to new adventures.

Theology IV : Interview Faris

We talked about how faith is important in a relationship and the advice he would give others.

Best interview

This has been the best interview ever. I really enjoyed it especially having the interview with my mom.

Chat with Abu

During this interview, I spoke with Abu to talk about his life and experiences. We spoke about his education, family life, and hardships he has faced. Abu really opened up to me and told me his inner throughts when he...