Thaddeus Murphy’s Take on Progressing from a Poor Childhood to a Successful Lawyer

Thad Murphy discusses his timeline from working as a minor in order to help his family to working at his education and law school. He discusses law school as he experienced it: difficult and stressful, yet fulfilling and gratifying. Additionally,...

Interview with Dad

Michael talks about his experiences growing up as a child living in Columbus, Ohio.


Today, I interviewed my father. He spoke about all the challenges in his early life and the things that he finds himself most grateful for now.

Costello Pride

Elle Costello interviews her dad, Dan Costello, and they talk about family and Costello pride.

Part 2

We talked about Ms.Shelton life as a whole

A causal interview with my aunt
November 26, 2017 App Interview

I interviewed my aunt khyla. She is 21 years old. I wanted to interview my aunt because she always has funny stories to tell and she has pretty good advice. We talked about pretty basic things like school or generations....

Mary Jane McMaster Kleyweg

Mary Kleyweg interview- Born during the Great Depression, raised during World War II, from farm life In Le Mars, IA to San Francisco, to Mississippi, to Chicago. The life of Christ and Family.

Immigrants in America: Family separation

Mexican-American family speaks on their experience with family separation and many of the struggles they’ve faced going through this.

11/26/18 – Interview with Dad

There was the mention of the importance of education, life lessons, professional satisfaction and growth, stories of moving between countries (and the courage in doing so), retold WWII anecdotes, globalization, and some dating advice.

Senior-to-Senior Project. Felipa Caballero.

In this interview I had the pleasure to speak to a really strong woman who sees so much positivity in life even though having faced a lot of struggles.

Julie Kaufman and Beth Wright for Stonewall OutLoud

Beth and Julie tell Karen about falling in love at Oberlin College, moving to California and later Chicago for graduate school, finding a welcoming Episcopalian church, having a ceremony, beginning their journey to have children during the AIDS epidemic, becoming...

Ana on families and immigration

Ana has worked with many first and second generation immigrants. She has seen how immigration status impacts individual and family well being as well as access to basic goods and services.

Thanksgiving Listening

My mother’s childhood and what was it like, what she faced while coming to the U.S, what is very important for her and what does she think of herself as a person plus traditions that were passed on from generation...

Great Thanksgiving Listen Interview With My Mom

I ask my mother about her experiences growing up in Mexico and raising 3 kids plus working day and night. She believes in working hard and standing up for what you believe in. She worked very hard to be where...

Father and Daughter
November 25, 2018 App Interview

I ask my dad about his childhood, family, and his life growing up.