Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Pearl Harbor

Grandma’s experience as a Japanese American when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

Taye lilly Riepma and her amazing grandmother talk about her past

Tayelilly asks her grandmother, Lilly Ekuan, about growing up in Hawaii during World War Two as a Japanese American, what being a labor nurse is, and what her family life is like.

Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Nell Schneider #4, 7/12/21

Nell Schneider (6/18/1930-) talks with her grandson, Matthew Harrison, and her daughter (Matthew's mother), Sue Harrison, at her Glendale Wisconsin home. During this interview, Nell discusses World War II; the attack on Pearl Harbor; food and recipes; changes in technology...

Jay and Robert

Gay life in the New York City theatre world in the 1980’s and the impact of HIV and AIDS

Fighting Discrimination against HIV/AIDS

We discussed our fight to end discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS, back when Ann was doing this work in the 1980's, and when Marni was in the 2010's.

Our Eyes Have Seen (Episode IV: Life and Times of Thomas Henry Sheffler)

Part I: A multigenerational conversation about the events in history that we witnessed and how they affected us. We talk about culture, war, television, media, historical influences, points of view and legacy. Part II: Uploaded separately as Teacher Talk -...

Interview with my Papa Charlie

My grandpa was born during the Great Depression. He experienced World War 2 and the Korean War. He has wonderful stories and has a love for telling them!

Interviewing My Great Grandpa

I interviewed my great grandpa about the Pearl Harbor attack.

An AZ interview!

My Lola is very strong person! She is so amazing and did so many things in her life! I just want to say that I know my Lola very well but I don’t know everything. Based on what I learned...

Surviving A Pendemic

Speaking to a survivor of a previous Pandemic as we live through the current Pandemic.

Living History(Final)

this is an interview with a World War II marine veteran who served in the Pacific theater for two years. being posted on the ship with a large crew.

Finding Meaning in Work and Life: Interview with Kevin Winge
September 12, 2018 App Interview

Interview with Kevin Winge of Minnesota discussing his many years working within the non-profit sector across various issues such as AIDS, HIV, food security, and about what inspires him to continue working.

APUSH INTERVIEW with my mom!_LilyDunkin

This is my mom’s history as seen through the lense of AP US History. Diane W dives most deeply into the racial conflicts as seen in her experiences through the Rodney King race riots in the 90s. Being a Women’s...