Who impacts your life the most?

In this interview, Pam Cooper discusses what she’s most proud of, and her religious beliefs. She also shares what she wants to be remembered by.

Leo Skinner – Chinanteco Linguist

Interview with Leo Skinner, a Wycliffe translator and linguist with the native Mexican Chinantec people

The Days My Father was Arrested

Firtuna’s dad was arrested for religious reasons, and he also lost his father. He ran away to the border of the country to get his freedom. Firtuna and her family followed him.

"We are asking for a place at the table."

Recorded on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Visual artist, Beau McCall and author/historian, Eric K. Washington discuss growing up in America, religion, and the history of Harlem. About "The Conversation" Who gets to have a seat at the table in America?...

Christians life and beliefs

I have known Christan for six years. I decided to interview him about his beliefs.