Samuel Duarte and Isabella Gonzalez

Samuel Duarte (13) talks with his grandmother about her past medical challenges in Spanish.

Lena Richardson and Alena Fields

Friends Lena Richardson (36) and Alena Fields (45) discuss their work promoting health and wellness in Louisiana, as well as the rich culture of food that can make healthy eating difficult. Lena and Alena share their journeys in this field...

The Ministry of Reconciliation with Derona

As America's Covid-19 cases continue to multiply, the virus exposes inequity throughout our society and claims a disproportionate number of black lives. Citizen Advocate, Derona King is healing racial trauma by promoting good health and nutritional wellness with Zilphy's Garden...

Ian Whistler and Ryan Myers

Fiancés Ian Whistler (23) and Ryan Myers (37) talk about their life together, joking about their cats aka “The Women” and sharing some of their favorite memories.

Slowing Down with Alyssa

As an educator and entrepreneur, Hashimoto's disease and environmental illness made Alyssa face human limits long before the coronavirus outbreak forced us to shelter-in-place. She talks about self care in a revolutionary way because learning to reconcile her passion with...

Aimee Adelmann, Laura Ellsworth, and Kristyna Wentz-Graff

Aimee Adelmann (32) and Laura Ellsworth (41) talk about the experience of having had kidney transplants with donated kidneys from their fathers. They talk about how the transplants have shaped their lives, the experience of being sick during their twenties,...

My Australian Friend

This is an interview on my friend wesely who is from Australia and he talks about his life and career here in the United States.

With Teferi

Sharing about family, health, work, childhood and new countries with my father-in-law