Growing up as Norma Hawkins

Norma Hawkins(76) shares a glimpse of what it was like when she was growing up in Missouri in the 50s and 60s

Miranda and her dad (Randy) talking about his childhood

I talked to my dad about how he grew up. I also asked about who helped him through his work in engineering and all his schooling

Michael Woods and Lonnie Halkmon

Friends Michael Woods (36) and Lonnie Halkmon (38) have a conversation about their youth, spreading love, and their work at Dream Builders 4 Equity.

Years Through Foster Care

My mother, 47, recalls her childhold from the age of 5. Her perserverance through her struggles with her biological family and foster families. How she would change some things if she could but wouldn't at the same time.

The great thanksgiving listen with Grammy
November 26, 2021 App Interview

In this interview, I interviewed my grandma. We touched all topics and talked about family, covid, food, and her early life.

What Music Taught Me About Family

My father, Tommy Carter, has lived and breathed music his whole life. But what has life on the road really taught him? Was touring really what he expected? Through this interview, I discovered how living life on the road teaches...

BJ Powell’s StoryCorps
November 27, 2017 App Interview

Talking with my dad about his time as a child and adult throughout his life who helped influence his life for the better.

Ulysses Labilles and Manuela Velasquez

Conversation partners Manuela Velasquez (24) interviews Ulysses Labilles (61) about his immigration journey to the United States, his father’s impact on his life, dear of his family members, and the importance of his children in his life.

Interview with Linda Jacobs

An interview with my grandmother, Linda Faye Marlin Jacobs, about her life, career, marriage, and family.