"Life is a little easier when who(ever) is teaching you looks like you". Mona Meddin on WABE 2003.

Interview with Mona Meddin (PHD Mathematics at Georgia Tech) in 2003 on the 50th anniversary of Georgia Tech's first female students on campus. Interview by Ted Vegodsky for WABE.

An interview with my Uncle

My uncle, Dieu Nguyen, is currently a citizen of Vietnam. I was able to have an opportunity to have a conversation with him as he is currently visiting us in San Diego, California. My uncle recalls his life through the...

Environmental Factors Contributing to the School to Prison Pipeline

My name is Heather Ashton and I am joined by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, an associate professor in the SUNY system who specializes in disability studies and inclusive education. Today we will be discussing environmental factors related to the school-to-prison pipeline....