Interview with my grandmother who is 88 and has lived an interesting life. Going over some childhood memories and where life has taken her.

Mom/Son Interview.

We talked about a variety of things.Included how she grew up,Covid-19 and a lot more.

I love my life

A daughter interviews her Dad about his childhood, debating politics with his dad, when he became a hippy, hitchiking through Europe, discovering the rennaissance faire, and how he met my mom.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

Interview with my Grandpa, Denis Richmond

This interview was conducted for an AP Language project where we were tasked to interview a close elder and give insightful reviews and ask questions so we can further understand how cool our elders really are. I, Seth Greenland(16) interview...


Christina grew up in Germany, had a happy marriage to Gerald, an English Army soldier and had 3 children, but lost her husband when he was only 41.