My Hero

Simply an interview with my dad about his life and how he grew up

“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

Citlali Rodriguez interviews Timothy McCormick as to his life experiences and his thoughts on this.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Chicago, Illinois, Citlali Rodriguez (16) interviews her former teacher, Timothy McCormick (29) about his childhood and and current life situation. Mr. McCormick shares his thoughts on his past and present, content with...


During this interview we talked about her life. Her overall outlook on life, her ups and downs, and her memories.

Little Bear

I talk to my dad, Norbert Caillouet, about growing up on the South Side, his experiences touring with bands, and some family traditions passed down through our generations.

Interview with my dad

We talked about how he started his career, older family members, and favorite holidays.