Richard Daley and the 1968 Democratic Convention

Joe Colucci speaking on his life and opinions during the 1960’s and the 1968 Democratic Convention

Jim Henry and Danielle Henry – Atlanta Sit In 1960

Jim Henry was a junior at Morehouse College in February 1960 when he participated in a sit-in with other black students in Atlanta.

Interview with Rudy Pendleton 02/11/24

Interviewer(daughter): Lily Nicole Pendleton(age 17) Interviewed(father): Rudy Johny Pendleton(age 45) We spoke about Rudy’s past, upbringing, and religion playing into how he was raised and how he raised his own children.


My mom tells me about her history in cuba

My Dads Perspective of 9/11

In this interview I ask my dad a couple of questions about 9/11 and overall get his experience of what happened that day.

Preserving the History of Pulse

Discussion of the development of the Pride, Prejudice, and Protest exhibition at the Orange County Regional History Center in collaboration with the GLBT History Museum of Central Florida and how it was both affected by and inclusive of the Pulse...

9/11 interview

My aunt Marcelina Bonilla was being interviewed about the 9/11 attack