Logan Kimball and Deborah Asay

Logan Kimball: 2022-11-28 01:35:03 Logan Kimball (16) talks with his grandmother, Deborah Asay (67) about her life growing up, memories of her children, and her dreams.

Two Communities of Love with Madeline Diaz and Juan Josue Martinez

Madeline and her friend Juan Josue talk about the LGBTQ+ Community and the Christian Church, and how these two often find themselves at odds. As a devout Christian who is Bisexual, Juan speaks to how difficult it can be to...

Gabrielle Regalado and Jasmine Cuevas and Activism in the C.A.R.E. Colaition

An interview with the secretary of the newly formed C.A.R.E. Coalition. In which we cover her personal experiences in Activism and the Founding of the organization.

Interview 1 of 4 – Calvin Holland III devotes his life to service to others, as did many of his illustrious ancestors.

Interview 1 of 4 - Calvin Holland III devotes his life to service to others, as did many of his illustrious ancestors. Calvin had a difficult youth but always had the solid teachings and love of his grandmother and his...

Kathryn Roberts and Carolyn Schwarzkopf – Daughter and Mom

Kathryn Roberts: 2020-08-17 15:57:33 - I talked to my mom (85) about her life during COVID, her childhood in Virginia and Maryland, and anything about life now. I learned a lot!

Janet Morrison-Lane and Dave Morrison

Janet Morrison-Lane (48) talked with her dad, Dave Morrison (75) about growing up in Missouri and some of his life choices.