Peter Wilson, Marcia Wilson, and Stephen Wilson

Superintendent of Lake Geneva Schools Peter Wilson (45) interviews his parents, Stephen Wilson (76) and Marcia Wilson (75), about their childhood experiences and their families. Marcia and Stephen also talk about their role models, family stories, and mutual support in...

Patti O'Neill and Cynthia Cohen

One Small Step partners Cynthia Cohen (69) and Patti O'Neill (64) talk about their upbringings, political values, and the impact of Alzheimer's disease on their families.

Lee Rossmaessler and Jess Salisbury

One Small Step conversation partners Lee Rossmaessler (67) and Jess Salisbury (30) talk about the impact of their religion and LGBTQ lives.

Timothy Hunter and Claire Ninde

One Small Step conversation partners Timothy "Tim" Hunter (63) and Claire Ninde (57) share life histories, political opinions and things they've learned from family members.

Klymer Baylo Moves to Michigan for Education

My Aunt Klymer and I talked about how she moved from Honduras to the United States when she as eighteen-years-old where she completed high school and college in Michigan and then moved to California.

Tony Catanese (81) avoids fighting in the Vietnam War, saving his life.

Paige Catanese (15) interviews her dad, Tom (55), about his father, Tony (81), about how he barely escaped commanding an American Troop into the Vietnam War due to a thyroid gland condition, saving his life.

Justin Cummins and Jenni Lippold

Justin (32) and Jenni (42), strangers participating in the One Small Step program, have a conversation about their lives, families, and communities. They discuss their daughters, living through COVID, and buying houses in the suburbs.