A conversation with a friend

I interview my good friend about his life, we discuss immigration from Monterrey, NL to Laredo,TX and how that impacted his life. Mexican culture regarding family and friendship. Growing up between Mexico and Texas, living on the border.

Russell Person and Ria Williams

One Small Step conversation partners Russell "Russ" Person (62) and Ria Williams (38) talk about the importance of education, the role of government in the social safety net, and diversity in sectors like academia and STEM

The relationship you choose: Stepmom

This is an interview with my youngest stepson about what it was like to watch his parents get divorced and to get a new stepmother.

From Chicago to Coast Guard

We talked about Kurt’s childhood and early role models that influenced him to join the Coast Guard. (Don’t mind the last few seconds I thought the recording had stopped)

What Gives Life Meaning?

Sabrina M (21) interviews mother Brenda M (49) about how she found meaning in life among unstable family dynamics, showing that love prevails.