Linus Mavers interviews his mother Elizabeth Caldwell about growing up

In this interview, recorded on November 25th, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, Linus Mavers (18) interviews his mother Elizabeth Caldwell (57) about her life and childhood. Elizabeth talks about growing up in different cities and moving around as the daughter of...

Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

There’s a Lot You Can Learn from Your Parents (feat. Brother!)

I had the opportunity to interview my parents for a school project! Little did I know I’d learn a lot in just 30 minutes. This interview is raw, lighthearted, and heavy at times. It is a bit choppy towards the...

Great Thanksgiving Listen w/ Auntie Miss

Talking with my aunt about regrets, lessons, school, and elections. Listening about strength through the hard times. Learning about sicknesses and how hard it can be. Learning about a valuable person. Listening and learning to love!

Lymon Sanderson and Robert McCord

Best friends Lymon Sanderson (51) and Robert McCord (56) share a conversation about their experiences with addiction, homelessness, recovery, and finding homes. They also discuss the roles family, friendship, and God play in their lives.

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.

Similarities between the United States and Chinese culture.

My name is Matthew Beussman and in this interview I talk with Wei Li who is 50 years old. In this interview, we talked about our cultures and more specifically about our childhood, schooling, different characteristics about our cultures, and...

Interview with Nancy and Michael Anderson

Talked about many things including their parents, grandparents, what life was like growing up, school, holidays, and the military. Very interesting and learned a lot about my grandparents that I did not know.

John Bipes

Dad’s life growing up in Southern Minnesota, Being drafted into the military police, his young married life and his growth in the Lutheran faith.

Interview with my Grandparents

This interview is about my grandparents' lives over the years. Including their childhood and what's important to them.

Seven Boxes: Celebrating the Strength to Move On

Dr. Bobbi Alba shares her new inspirational memoir about multiple sudden atypical losses. Topics include: cancer, loss of child, domestic violence, mental illness, homelessness, alcoholism, pet loss, transgender youth, and leaving a living legacy.

Interview with Annie Le

Annie and I talked about her experience of moving to Knoxville and the similarities and differences she has noticed between Knoxville and Minnesota, where she most recently lived, and where she grew up in Vietnam.

Interviewing My Mom

At first we talked about family and her growing up. Then we progressed to a description of jobs and talking about elections.

My Grandpa’s Amazing Life

In this interview, I talked to my grandpa about his life, jobs, family, and childhood. He shared with me some of his many amazing experiences like the time he traveled all the way to Africa to help people, the time...