Ethnographic Interview

This is an interview between Jacquelin and Kadjo discussing about family, friend, and life.

Interview with Annie Le

Annie and I talked about her experience of moving to Knoxville and the similarities and differences she has noticed between Knoxville and Minnesota, where she most recently lived, and where she grew up in Vietnam.

Emry Lopez and Misty Dahlin talk about life and the joys in it

Emry Lopez (16) and his mom, Misty Dahlin (42) talk about happy and sad moments in life. They also discuss important and lessons and memories from past generations. The events take place in Tucson, Arizona as well as some other...

Chilling with Grandmom

This interview is about my grandparents heritage from Norway

Tou and Yer Y Vang: Hmong and American

Tou and Yer Vang from Minnesota talk about their journeys from Laos to Thailand to, finally, the USA. As Hmong refugees to American immigrants, their life story crosses borders, oceans, and generations. As children, they both grew up surrounded by...

My Grandpa’s Amazing Life

In this interview, I talked to my grandpa about his life, jobs, family, and childhood. He shared with me some of his many amazing experiences like the time he traveled all the way to Africa to help people, the time...

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

Me and my mom talked about her and my dad. We talked about how they met and all the fun times they've been through. I also asked her about herself and influential people in her life.

Interview with my Grandparents

This interview is about my grandparents' lives over the years. Including their childhood and what's important to them.