My interview

I interviewed my best friend’s mother, Tiffany. We talked about her childhood, and religion

Anna and Karin Karin’s childhood

Karin is from Sweden. She talks about her grandparents and what she knows about their lives. She also talks about her as a child.

an interview with my great aunt about family and travel

questions were asked about family memories and traveling experiences

My Mother’s Life

In this interview we cover the topics of my mother’s childhood, family, lessons learned, religion, and future.

My mother

I learned my mother’s childhood and lessons that she has learned throughout her life

My Interview With Mom

Our interview about life, challenges, and learning from mistakes.

Walter Zurasky, November 2015

Walter R. Zurasky, born and raised in Pennsylvania, talks about his life from childhood, living on a farm, to meeting his loving wife at Clarion College.

Dad Interview

I’m asking my dad questions about his life.