A life worth living

I interviewed my grandma Paulette Haile she is 78.We talked about how her and her spouse met. Their happiest moments together.And if you could go back and relive your teenage years would you ?

Checkpoint 5 interview

This is an interview from my grandma about Memphis symbols that should be shown.

Pappy and Me

What Pappy’s life was like and what my family did. My greatgrandfathers life.

Heavy G the Greatest

This is my grandpa from Spokane, Washington . I asked him about the Cold War , The 50s and 60s and so much more. It was a wonderful time to interview him .

What Music Taught Me About Family

My father, Tommy Carter, has lived and breathed music his whole life. But what has life on the road really taught him? Was touring really what he expected? Through this interview, I discovered how living life on the road teaches...

Interview with Dad

I had a chat with my dad today about his self reflection on life.

GG and Me

Today GG and I talked about different stories and questions I had. I learned a lot more about my grandma than I thought I did. And I am glad I spent time with her.

Being American

In this interview, I asked my dad questions that’s revolved around the improvement of America and essentially being an American