Christine Kostrubala and Sarah Rasmussen

Christine shares personal stories about the challenges of getting good healthcare as a deaf person. Being disrespected, misinterpreted, and not being able to trust doctors and others in the healthcare system.

Chhayden Sorn and Hannah Lelis

Co-workers on the intake team for Providence share their experiences in their work and lives. There is comradery on the team and their manager, Natalia is a good leader making for a great work environment.

Joey Kane and Storey Squires

A volunteer turned employee reflects on his time at The Mount since he was a baby and why this is a place of friendship and love for him.

James Villalobos and Melody Fawcett

James discussed his upbringing in a loving family and faith. His mom being a beacon of love and support. He also discussed his mom's cancer diagnosis. He discussed the sacred encounter he had with his mom, a conversation that changed...