Grady Coulter talks

In this interview, conducted in December 2021 in Alexandria, Louisiana, Tamaya Eli (18) interviews her grandpa (73) about accomplishments that made him proud. Mr. Grady also shares the important people in his life and his greatest influence. Mr. Grady also...

Grace Dagger’s interview for the Great Thanksgiving listen, 2018

In this recording, Grace Dagger at Coronado High School in Henderson, Nevada, records an audio file for the 2018 pilot of the Great Thanksgiving listen. Grace Dagger is in 11th grade and is studying english. My grandmother Shirley talked about...

Airstream interview on a Sunday morning in May

Rich talked about his grandfather and memories of his growing up with him. We also talked about his son josh and our whacky honeymoon in Hawaii August 2000.

An Interview with my Grandmother-BRG

I interviewed my 80 year old grandmother about her life.