Katelyn interview

Interviewing Katelyn, my sister, on a life reflection.

Nana and Papa’s Life

I (Cora, 15) interviewed my mother’s parents, Nana (Bonnie, 70) and Papa (John, 70). They talked about their time growing up as well as raising my mother.

Interview with Dorothy Gronlund

Dorothy, a professional singer, choir conductor and voice teacher recounts her early musical experiences and life's journey.

Salem Zeka and her mother, Jenny Zeka talk about key moments in Jenny’s life.

In this interview, recorded on April 10th, 2022 Salem (17) talks with her mom, Jenny’s (47), life and dealing with positives and negatives.

1960s interview

My grandpa, Paul Market, was 15 in 1960. During this interview, he discusses his lifestyle during the 1960s and his feelings regarding the major changes in his life and the overall time period. Also, he mentions major events that he...

Creativity for a Lifetime: Interview with my Grandma

In this interview, I talked with my grandmother Georgiann Eckheart, about her life as a mother and grandmother and how creativity played a role in her life.

Glen Mitchell

My grandpas life and his favorite moment and achievements.


In this interview I am a 14 year old boy who interviews his older 18 year old brother. Most of the questions I ask are not about family because we are family.

Things about Daddy

Father/daughter q&a with daughter interviewing. Questions about childhood, family, military service and parenthood.

Ray Friedrich

In this interview, conducted on November 26th in WDM, Iowa, Ray Friedrich talks about growing up in Iowa, his line of work, his marriage and kids, and his overall life

Lila Mae Dean Hoogeveen – Part 1

Life growing up in Spencer, IA. Teaching. Marriage. Life. And more.