Who impacts your life the most?

In this interview, Pam Cooper discusses what she’s most proud of, and her religious beliefs. She also shares what she wants to be remembered by.

Leo Skinner – Chinanteco Linguist

Interview with Leo Skinner, a Wycliffe translator and linguist with the native Mexican Chinantec people

The Days My Father was Arrested

Firtuna’s dad was arrested for religious reasons, and he also lost his father. He ran away to the border of the country to get his freedom. Firtuna and her family followed him.

"We are asking for a place at the table."

Recorded on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Visual artist, Beau McCall and author/historian, Eric K. Washington discuss growing up in America, religion, and the history of Harlem. About "The Conversation" Who gets to have a seat at the table in America?...

Christians life and beliefs

I have known Christan for six years. I decided to interview him about his beliefs.

Learning about Mom and her past.

In this interview conducted by Isaac Morales conducted on November 14 2020 we learn about his mother’s past. Norma Parra tells his son about what her life was when she was younger and how it made her who she is.

Paula Sandusky – New York Trip

My aunt talked about her job, her life before the center and after.

From Segregation to 9/11: A Looking Back

Charles Wilson is a religious man that gave up everything for the call of God, but that's not all the excitement. From missing 9/11 playing golf to a life of segregation, this grandfather is an interesting person in all sorts...

My mom and me

My mom and me go through different topics from her growing up to her now as an adult .

“Keep your mouth shut.”

An interview with a German born, Jewish, 82 year old grandma

“I thought you loved me, I thought I’m your own flesh and blood”

The person I interviewed talks about the struggles of coming out/not being straight. (This is not a Ted talk.)

All Of The Universe Is All In This One Moment (Part 1)

We talked about her childhood and the struggles that she faced growing up. As well as where her life has taken her now. We talked about the people and events that have influenced her life as well as the harder...

Perfect people, Religion, and Thinking Visually

It was pretty nice, I enjoyed the conversation. Yay 5 points of extra credit!

Interview Project #2

I mainly chose to ask questions relevant to his school life, work life and love life. Being his girlfriend, it was interesting (and sweet) to hear about how he would answer some of these questions.

Dusty W. on growing up in an “Appalachian Holiness Church”

A short interview with Dusty W., who grew up in an Appalachian snake-handling family. Dusty explains his family’s beliefs and his own spiritual outlook.

Grandma Kaminski talks about her childhood

I am Connor Kaminski, one of the youngest grandchildren of my grandmother Alice Kaminski. She is the oldest living member of my entire extended family and the last of my grandparents. Turning 87 in 2018, she is an inspiration because...

A man named Wyatt

We talked about how religion played a role in his life and some life stories.

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...