Interview with John Hoover, a teacher and grandfather

John Hoover described his teaching experience and what raising my dad was like

Emory and Catherine

Me and my mother discuss memories from our childhoods. Differences between childhood now and then and the things we will always remember.

Brogan & Emma
December 9, 2021 App Interview

Emma interviews Brogan about his self made lawn business.

Jim Davis USH Interview

In this interview, Owen Davis and Mars Ferraro interview Jim Davis. Jim Davis was a mechanic in the Vietnam War, and he along with his wife Dottie Davis share his story.

Interview w/ my mom on 05-30-24

I asked my mom (43) to compare a bunch of her old favorite things with her new favorite things and stuff about my childhood because she doesn’t really remember stuff from when she was super young. (In Telugu)

my moms life story and how she overcome hardships and who she is today

mom(Margret) 43 my mom was explaining about how it was when she was growing up and how it was like back when she went to school and what she had to deal with in her life, and what it took...

My Hero Interview

Today I talked and had a interview with Mrs. Garduno, my mother, and asked her a few questions on what some stuff had meant to her.