Talking With My Grandma

Austin Jones (12) talks with his grandma, Joy Moseley (71), and they have a good time.

Nancy Fisher and Jill Sharfstein

Jill Sharfstein (72) interviews friend and fellow congregant Nancy Fisher (77) about her experiences as a member of Central Synagogue and her work interviewing Holocaust survivors for the Shoah Foundation.

Van La & Emilie Cerna
December 1, 2020 App Interview

Van La & Emilie Cerna, students from Santa Clara High School talks about Covid-19.

Daniel and His Mom

Daniel has a friendly interview with his mom, discovering new things about her past. As he asks her questions, his mom reveals more and more about her life.

Shari Manchester and Holly Manchester- How Covid has Changed Our Lives.

Shari Manchester: 2022-05-07 01:37:37 I (Shari Manchester, 21) have an interview with my sister (Holly Manchester, 22) about her Covid infections, how it has affected our lives, and what our lives would have looked like had Covid never happened.

Interview with Brendan Stoller on the evolution of rap within the last decades.

In this interview, Brendan Stoller who is both an experienced DJ and Producer is asked questions on how rap/hip-hop has changed within the last decades. There is a focus on what is now being called "new rap" or "mumble rap"...

The decision to serve the country

Brina Smith: Interview with grandfather about growing up and joining the Navy at 17 and his life after. 2021-11-11 01:20:32

Papaw's Chevrolets

A interview with my grandpa about all the cars he has collected through years.

Zachary Kilby and David Glenn

Zachary Kilby (21) shares a conversation with his mentor, David Glenn (54), about David’s time playing baseball when he was younger, his career in sports media, the mentors he had throughout that career, and the legacy he would like to...

Granddad’s Life In The Army- with Ellie Herndon

I am Ellie (12) and I am interviewing my granddad (75). He is one of the most resilient people I know, and we will be talking about his life in the army.

“Brandon Gomez and Jose Gomez Ted Talk”

Brandon Gomez, 17 year old student from Cleveland Highschool, interviews father. The Fathers name is Jose Gomez who’s 41 years old and talks about the covid-19 pandemic and how it affected him. He gave his full consent to being recorded...

Brenda Sherard and Anasa Hicks

Anasa Hicks (32) interviews her mother, Brenda Sherard (67), about her family, her upbringing, and memories from her childhood.

MUS 2273-001 / Dr. Renard – Assignment #3 – Christopher Rodriguez from The Woodlawn Theatre

This interview assignment is for Dr. Renard from UTSA. For my assignment, I have interviewed, Executive/Artistic Director, Christopher Rodriguez from The Woodlawn Theatre.

Excerpt From Matthew Cullen’s Interview With Grandpa Bernie

Made For Story Corps Project. Talks about how Matthew Cullen's Grandpa moved jobs and met his wife. Also how his job moved him all over the United States and Canada.

Interview with my neighbour about GE14

This is the interview with Madam Goh, my Sungai Long hostel neighbour about her experience in GE14.

Monica Randolph Interview

I interviewed Monica on questions about her future and her goals and aspirations to become successful in her field of nursing! It was a fun interview and super interesting to hear about her life and how she is where she...

A Sculptor Called Time

This interview is between me and Tony Sutowski. Tony is a Instructional Services Specialist in Sculpture department in University of Iowa. In this interview, Tony talked about how he made the choice to work with art for most of his...