wisdom of elders

Steve hammer, 53 married, talked about his life and family and experiences

A life worth living

I interviewed my grandma Paulette Haile she is 78.We talked about how her and her spouse met. Their happiest moments together.And if you could go back and relive your teenage years would you ?

A Journey to the Past

My grandma, Barbara Viviani, had a very difficult life growing up. It all started with her father. He was from Ireland and moved to the United States and met my grandmas mother. They grew up in a very small apartment...

Interview with Grammy

Barbara Micheal- 70 years old (My Grammy) Natalie Bannon- 15 years old (me We discussed proud moments in life and am the differences that the world has made.

Interview #vhrebeledge

We talked about many thing and people that influenced my mom’s life. We talked about her childhood and parents’ affects on her life.

The Importance of School

An educator recounts his motivation to become a teacher ans the importance of education today.