Tim Towslee and Allison Swingle

[Recorded January 31, 2021] Tim Towslee, 44, and Allison Swingle, 31, participate in a One Small Step conversation via Zoom. They talk about their work in outdoor education, the impact of having a parent pass away, how their political views...

"I have always felt at home wherever I go."

Aileen and Alison talk about growing up on a farm, moving to Richmond, teaching at RHS, and her retired life as a community volunteer.

Gricelda talks about her life in Richmond, raising a daughter while balancing two cultures, and her hopes for Richmond

This interviewed was done with the assistance of a translator. Gricelda talks about things she misses from Mexico (food!) and what types of culture events would be fun to incorporate into life in Richmond. She also talks about how she...

Maynard "Dick" Dixon

"There wasn't nothin' goin' on around there anyway:" A grandfather's stories from Rainelle, WV to Hopewell, VA. Maynard "Dick" Dixon tells stories from his childhood and brief career in coal mining in Rainelle, WV, a stint in Arlington, VA, and...

“The hardest person to come out to was myself” Siobhan and Erin interview Anne and Mary

Anne and Mary have been married 30 years. Their niece Siobhan and her wife Erin interview them about their journey coming out to themselves and their families and building their lives together.

Danny Carroll and Torski Dobson-Arnold

One Small Step conversation partners Danny Carroll [no age given] and Torski Dobson-Arnold [no age given] have a conversation about their difficult childhoods and journeys to understand truth and forgive themselves. They find perspective through sharing their experiences overcoming dysfunctional...

An Interview with Mom

My Mom is Brigitta Woodward, born and raised in Kalrsruhe, Germany, and 59 years young. My parents married in Germany when my mom was 32, and she left her life there to move to upstate New York with my siblings...

Inaugural New Year’s Day Chat

We gave a little background on us and talked about events in the past year (2018) and thoughts about the year to come.