“The hardest person to come out to was myself” Siobhan and Erin interview Anne and Mary

Anne and Mary have been married 30 years. Their niece Siobhan and her wife Erin interview them about their journey coming out to themselves and their families and building their lives together.

Sarah talks to her father Fredric about his life.

In this recording at the high school where Sarah teaches, she interviews her dad about his childhood, education, and advice he has for how to lead a good life.

Maynard "Dick" Dixon

"There wasn't nothin' goin' on around there anyway:" A grandfather's stories from Rainelle, WV to Hopewell, VA. Maynard "Dick" Dixon tells stories from his childhood and brief career in coal mining in Rainelle, WV, a stint in Arlington, VA, and...

Interview with mom on dad’s 81st Birthday

We get together every year to celebrate my dads birthday in heaven. This year I wanted to interview my mom about my dad.