My First Interview
November 26, 2017 App Interview

Jasmine discussed some of her inspirations, as well as her childhood. She also spoke about two key pieces of her adult life.

Moms Life

From memories to future amber webb explains her feelings to William Webb (13). This interview speaks for amber webs feelings for the future and past as well as memories for her son William. She also talks about things that are...

Aunt Ronnie and Uncle Pop

A few questions for our great aunt Veronica Gaddis, and uncle Anthony Gaddis on our mom’s side.

My fathers interview

In this interview I talked to my dad and with his dog along sides him questions about his live and how he made it this far in life

My Mom’s Story #MBHSstories

An interview with my mother about her life growing up in Morocco and her life experiences. (Also sorry for the constant buzzing but she didnt want to redo the interview.)