Peter Bankson Reflects on His Vietnam Experience in Duc Pho 1966-67

Peter Bankson describes how he ended up going to Vietnam, his early experiences there and his involvements with the people of Duc Pho. He recalls a frightening mortar attack and the dawning realization that violence is no solution to humanity’s...

Xander And George’s Discussion

I talked with my Grandpa George Molinaro about how the world was back when he was young.

Jenny Rask Interviews Father Gene Rask about this life.

Jenny Rask: 2021-03-22 01:17:10 Interviews her father Gene Rask about his life. Memories of growing up with Lee and Ray Rask. First days in Portland, Oregon. A few of Gene's first jobs and his father's worry about his boys being...

Papa Jerry and me

Papa loved in a very different time than I do. He had very distinct memories of his childhood family and friends.