Military Vet Podcast- Matthew Kuesel + Steven Kuesel

Experiences while serving in the United States Military during last days of the Cold War era and the first days conflict in the Middle East.

Berlin Wall with Van Farnsworth

Van went on a 10 week trip traveling Europe and ended up in Berlin when the wall was built

Charita Harmon-Johnson and Daryl Pinkney

Charita Harmon-Johnson (66) interviews her brother Daryl Pinkney (60) about his service in the US Army, his deployments abroad, and his transition back to civilian life.

Grandparents at Thanksgiving 2017

Grandparents discuss historic events including the UT tower shooting, the Berlin Wall, the JFK shooting, and others.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

We talked about how my mom felt about the fall of the Berlin Wall and how it has changed her life.

Mark Schill’s interview

Me asking mark schill about rulers and evens occurred before the fall of Berlin Wall