“The Stay”

Justine introduces Sofia and her story about living in Sweden for six months and what she learned there.

Intreview with Kaleb

I interview my cousin Kaleb about his life and learn a little bit more about my oldest cousin.

A Soldiers Voice

“He was a Soldier in the Irish Civil War” On January 2, 2019 David O’Mara (14) sat down with his father Jason O’Mara (42) to talk about his childhood in liberated Ireland and his grandmother’s stories about the history of...

Oral History Interview-the 60’s

Madison Schmidt was the interviewer and Deb Heleine, her Grandma was the interviewee. The topics discussed were life during the 60’s including the Vietnam war, music during this time, and activities available to people during this time.

911 Attacks

Jerome Desserich’s connection to 911

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

memory lane

we talked about his favorite memories and what has kept him motivated his whole life

Growing up in NYC
March 3, 2021 App Interview

An interview with Will Worsnopp about his life growing up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and how it influenced him.