Roland Morales and Dennie Morales with Brooke Morales

Roland Morales (80) and Dennie Morales (74), parents to Jason Rolando Morales, talk about their experiences being parents and their hopes for his future.

Childhood Experiences

My mother came from a loving home however her parents were somewhat overbearing and over proctective. However, this kept her safe and she was able to create a loving home for me and a successful business. In my opinion, she...

Interview w/ my mom on 05-30-24

I asked my mom (43) to compare a bunch of her old favorite things with her new favorite things and stuff about my childhood because she doesn’t really remember stuff from when she was super young. (In Telugu)

Life of a Southern California Dad

Tedd Chubb (father 45 years old ), and Bert Chubb (son 14 years old). Tedd Chubb explains times in his life to his son Bert, including his childhood, his current job, and life as a dad.

Chiara is 4

Mother and daughter (4) discuss favorites, baby brother, and God between a bag of Cheetos and cough attacks.