Robert Mere-Christmas 2018

Robert Mere shared his memories of growing up, the influence of education and a strong loving family on his development, and the importance of accepting other people where they are at. He used the culmination of his 79 years of...

“Start With the Basics; the Rest Will Follow.”

Frank DePoli remarks on his life and how it has been different than he expected, but excellent nonetheless. He begins with his childhood and how his parents and friends always supported and still do support him. He then elaborates on...

7 years catch up

Remembering the early days and how he got to be where he is. Learning more about an old friend before its too late.

Gladys Sloan and Renee Grebe

A discussion of family history and general life history.

Interview with my biggest role model

The interview is about my mother and her adventures as a young adult. She came for the education and wellbeing of her future children.

Bob Logan, you are my role model

I wanted to have a conversation with my father-in-law to capture his perspective and his life lessons. And boy did he deliver!

Thanksgiving Int. / Mrs. Delpolito / Pd: 4

Here in this interview I talked to my Grandmother about our family and heritage.

A chat about growing up, love, and faith.

This interview took place on November 25, 2018. The interviewee was Vicky Hoffman, my grandma. We talked about her entire life. Starting with childhood, her parents and grandparents and went on to talk about my pap. She also gave some...