Journalism Partner Interview

Journalism Interview 12/10/19. Both participants interviewed each other a series of questions about our lives.

The life of my grandma when Shell inmigrantes

My grandma is falling about her life and how Shell got to the place Shell is now.


I had a conversation with my mom. We talked about her childhood memories as well as her influences in life and what those looked like.

Psych assignment.

Overall, we talked about our friendship. We discussed her life moving from Indiana and some funny memories of our lives.

Interviewing Layne Hubble

I am interviewing my sister who was in your class 8 years ago. We discuss adulthood as well as childhood memories and valuable lessons.

Interview with Papa

My name is Finn and I 13 years old. This is my Papa he is 73 years old. We talked about my Papa’s childhood and what things he did as a kid.

Interview with my mom

Today I got to interview my mom. We discussed questions about her job,her family, her parents, her children and advice that she would give me about raising my own children.


Ben interviewing Grey Barrios about elementary school

Best Friend and I talking about growing up.

Asking my best friend questions about his life and my impact on his life