Culture shock

My sister explains her experience moving to the US.

Pursuing The American Dream

Adam Gomes interviewers his father Robert Gomes who was born in Bangladesh and migrated to America in February 1975. They discussed his childhood and what life was like growing up in Manhattan. They also talk about some of Roberts Positives...

Interview with Dad

We talked mainly about what life was like for my dad when he was a child and how things shaped him as an adult.

Ricardo Saravia, interview with my father

Question that I always wanted to ask my father, since he is a first generation immigrant.

An immigrant from Brazil

He talks about how it was to leave friends. I love his interview.

My Dad's Journey to America and How Technology Affects Today's Generation

I spoke with my dad about how he came to America from Egypt when he was 16 years old. We also talked about the difference between the times we're growing up in as well as how now technology impacts the...

My Granny Helen

Ciara Moore interviews her granny from Ireland. They talk about Irish culture and their families.


We talked about her childhood, classic sayings, and how my mom was like growing up.